Elite Longsword VII
Elite Longsword VII, early 15th century, inspired by original examples and historical sources, mostly German and Southern Europe.
Black grip color.
'An Elegant Weapon for a More Civilized Age'
This sword is a good representation of a group of longswords from central and southern Europe, dating to circa 1370-1430. Pommels of a similar type can be found in museums all over Europe, but they come mainly from workshops attributed to Germany and Hungary. These pommels are often very large and massive, providing a good counterweight to the long sword, bringing the point of balance closer to the crossguard. Thanks to this, these swords allow you to quickly and easily maneuver the blade in different directions and planes.
The strongly tapered and stiff blade has a hexagonal cross-section, with reinforced edges and a fuller running to approximately half the length of the blade. It is perfect for both cutting and thrusting. This type of blade (Oakshott classifies it as XVIa and XVII) developed in the 14th century and was popular in parallel with blades without fullers (Oakeshott Types XVa, XVIIIb).
The characteristic crossguard type, with strongly flared ends, is very popular in this period.
The handle is tapered, with a bulge in the middle separating the sections of both hands.
The rear hand has a solid and secure support on the wide bottom of the pommel. That pommel can be also used as an additional weapon in close combatand of course it is an excellent counterweight giving a balance point close to the crossguard.
More about these swords you can read in my article here: https://artofswordmaking.com/gallery/elite-and-rare-longswords-1350-1450
This is an exquisite weapon of a late medieval knight, intended for a noble and experienced swordsman.
I called these swords 'elite' for a reason. The originals form a specific group of swords, always associated with important figures, noblemen. First of all, the very good fencing parameters of this weapon make it, in my opinion, a versatile and elite tool.
total length 1175mm
bladse length 925mm
blade width 51mm
grip 185mm
crossguard 165mm
pommel 70x55x35mm
balance 55mm
weight 1540g
Note: This sword, like any handcrafted sword in the medieval style, can have traces of the manufacturing process, minor irregularities or asymmetries resulting from the specificity of real craftsmanship and medieval understanding of aesthetics, that are completely normal and do not affect the quality of the sword, but give it a unique original character, consistent with medieval objects of the same kind.