Norman Crusader Sword. 11thC
Norman Crusader Sword, late 11th century, Oakeshott Type X, inspired by original swords and historical sources.
A simple battle sword, characteristic of the 11th century and the period of the First Crusade. The type is actually a transition between the earlier types of Viking swords. It still has that proportions and the blade is Oakeshott Type X, but now, from the 11th century, it is unadorned, more simple in construction and has a plain finish. The whole thing is still balanced quite far from the crossguard, and basically it is still a Viking Age sword in general, but now turned into a Christian knight's weapon. These are the swords many of them carried when they went to the crusades. This is the last stage of the evolution of this particular type of sword, whose owners often wore Nordic bracelets and brooches next to a crucifix around their neck...
Soon, a different style and types of swords were to come, due to the development of technology and a change in combat tactics...
total length 930mm
blade length 790mm
blade width 52mm
blade thickness at the base 4mm
grip 96mm
PoB 150mm
weight 1035g