Sword of Dordrecht
Designing and making process of this special longsword was a really interesting journey. It was about the history and art related to medieval Netherlands, according to my customer will. The sword both with the scabbard is dedicated to the history and tradition of the city of Dordrecht.
On the pommel we can find golden insert of the coat of arms of Holland, and engraved latin inscription encircling the insert: “Victoria Veritas Revelatvr' (In victory the truth is revealed) on oine side and on the other a golden insert of the castle from the seal of Dordrecht, and engraved text encircling the insert “Protector Opidanorvm in Dvrdrecht' (Protector of the citizens in Dordrecht).
On scabbard is latin text: 'Soli Deo Gloria' (Glory to God) and decorations inspired by original sword scabbards finds from Leiden, Netherlands.
Parameters and type of this sword refers to some original examples dated to second half of 14th and beginning of 15th century. Scabbard style and decoration is based on late 14th century art and original examples.
Pommel type and style with golden inserts is inspired by famous longsword from Bayerisches Nationalmuseum in Munich.
total length 1100mm
blade length 865mm
blade width 58mm
blade thickness at the base 0,6cm
grip 170mm
crossguard 195mm
pommel 54x28mm
balance ca. 100mm
weight ca. 1340g
Here I want to thank for cooperation and help to: Julian Matthias Ronneberger for support with latin and art consulting, Brian Kuntz for chape, Piotr Pastusiak for his great work with inserts, my wife for old-way coloring text, crest and sewing work, and of course to my customer for great lesson of history and his trust.