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Artofswordmaking by Maciej Kopciuch

They say that the level of weapon technology always reflects the top achievements of science at specific times. Exploring medieval swords confirms that claim.'


“… A Sword doesn`t need to have complicated shape to be effective. It doesn`t need a special shape of the blade, or a pommel and guard and any decorations – none of this doesn`t matter on the battlefield. In the hand of a skilled warrior, a simple, straight, well-crafted blade will be deadly.  I encourage you to appreciate the ordinary battle swords. Their simplicity is the essence of what they have been designed for.

However, this simplicity of most common battle sword from the 11th-15th centuries is misleading when we try to recreate them. “No decorations" doesn`t mean easy to work. The geometry of swords is difficult and hard to recreate. In my opinion this is more interesting than any decorations – those shapes, proportions, cross-sections and angles.

We can find this all in museums, in simple swords – just when we give them a little more attention."

“… I am still learning this what we call swordmaking. There are no schools, no masters, no teachers or handbooks… Every craftsman must find his way – most possible and close to medieval – according to all available historical sources and finds. This means never-ending study. This means boundless patience, repeated attempts and plenty of time. In this work you really have to love what you are doing – only then the final result will mean true reward."


From the book 'Art of Swordmaking' by Maciej Kopciuch